About therealpower

Jed Kemsley is a 27-year-old writer.

Apology to Jason Chatfield and Sophie Miller

I am a disgraceful person. My actions over the past three-and-a-half years have been nothing less than absolutely shameful. A complete and utter disgrace. I am responsible for writing this web page: jed.kemsley1987.tumblr.com, and posting dozens and dozens of similar Twitter “tweets” and Facebook “posts”.

I am sorry. I not only wrote things that were not true, I also severely damaged both Jason Chatfield’s and Sophie Miller’s fine  reputations.

I once considered both Jason and Sophie friends, and I know they may never forgive me for what I have done.

The thing I remember most about 2006.

The thing I remember most about 2006. Well, in 2006, I kissed a girl for the first time. It happened in New York City. I will never forget it. Ever since I was a little kid, and went to Gib Gate, and imagined myself as the next Steve Jobs, because I read MacWorld magazines from 1996-1999, I always thought that one day, I might maybe end up, unlikely thought it might seem now, as some sort of important person in the United States of America.

And in 2001, I joined the Final Fantasy Online Forums, on which I met some cool people. Jesse Pearson to name one. And then, as I wrote just before, in 2006 I travelled to New York City and met a girl, but now she doesn’t like me very much. I’m not so sure why.

So, I must ask, Chloe, why don’t you like me anymore?


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 10: smile

Secrets of seduction part 10: smile. It’s common knowledge that the more you smile, the happier you’ll be. And if you smile a lot, and are happy, then people around you will smile and be happier too! And if you want to be a master of seduction, then smiling helps a lot.

The more you smile, the happier and more trustworthy you will seem, and this is a big boost to helping you land the partner of your dreams. The next time you’re out and about, even if it’s just something as simple as doing the grocery shopping, try smiling more. People around you will notice and they will be attracted to you. And when you’re out at the club with a group of friends, if you’re smiling and happy, you will make the night out better for everyone.

And, of course, when on a date with someone you fancy, smiling helps a lot! It makes you and your date more comfortable and will make for a great night out. So, just smile more, and you’ll be well on the way to being a master of seduction.

(Also, I have read that it’s actually a scientifically proven fact that the health beneifts of smiling are well documented. I’m not exactly sure why, but it’s good for your overall wellbeing!)


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 9: how to land the ultimate girl (FOR MEN ONLY)

Secrets of seduction part 9: how to land the ultimate girl (FOR MEN ONLY). Okay men. So you want to land the ultimate girl. Yes, I know. The girl at the bar who is simply the ultimate. The one for you. The one no-one else can compare to. The one no-one else can touch. The one who is like a raging fire, and you don’t even have a squirt bottle, let alone the number for the fire brigade. So how do you get her?

You have to be cool. You have to be so cool that you have never even been into this realm of coolness before. You have to be the ideal of what every man aspires to be since the day he realises his own manhood. You have to be… beyond cool. And how, I hear you, dear reader, ask, become so?

Well, to be become beyond cool, you have to think like a normal person. That’s it. Just think normal. That’s the key. To be a truly cool person, you have to just be normal. Because women like normal guys. At least, that’s how it goes in my own experience. Women want men who are comfortable in themselves, and are just… normal.

So, just be normal, and you will become beyond cool… and so, a master of seduction.


Jed Kemsley

My love

My love

I love a beautiful woman

Her beauty is like a gentle rose

My mind is blown when I think of her

I think I can’t live without her

I know I’d rather forget the pain I feel

When she isn’t by my side

So all of the words she said I can’t remember

Because I know the only words I can hear

Are her future cries of love

And I know that is all I need

Secrets of seduction part 8: fake it ’til you make it

Secrets of seduction part 8: fake it ’til you make it. I’m sure a lot of us have heard of the saying before – “fake it ’til you make it”. But what does it have to do with seduction? A lot, actually. See, the whole idea behind the idiom “fake it ’til you make it” is that even if you’re not very good at something, or you aren’t successful at a particular endeavour, if you keep on trying and hoping for the best, and even sometimes pretending to know what you’re doing (even if you don’t), eventually you will start succeeding for real. Because the best people in their respective fields all started out as rookies too.

So if you want to become a master of seduction, one of the biggest secrets you can learn is “fake it ’til you make it”. By this I mean, when you go out on a date, or are even just casually talking to the woman of man of your desire in the street or supermarket, if you act cool and confident (even if you aren’t on the inside) and pretend like you are a master seducer, then you will, over time, become naturally good at seducing someone. The logic is pretty simple. If you pretend for long enough, eventually you become the real deal.

So if you want to become a master of seduction, just keep on living by that saying “Fake it ’til you make it”. And then one day, people will probably be coming to you for advice about seduction, and you’ll know exactly what to tell them. (If you indeed want to share this advice!)


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 7: sophistication

Secrets of seduction part 7: sophistication. Ah, that word… sophistication. Upon hearing it, I always think of tuxedos, candle-lit dinners at 5-star restaurants, waltzing on a marble ballroom floor, and sipping cocktails on a balcony looking over a moonlit lake.

Yes, sophistication. It’s something that many people want to learn more about. After all, we’re taught from an early age that it’s important to grow, develop, and mature as a person. And sophistication is, in most regards, the result of us all growing, developing, and maturing as we journey through life.

But how do we become more sophisticated? And what does sophistication have to do with seduction? Well, I can tell you that from my experience of reading about seduction masters and their advice and secrets, that the more sophisticated you are, the better seducer you can be. How does this work? Let me explain.

If you’re a smooth, cool, sophisticated man or woman, you’ve instantly got the advantage when it comes to seducing someone. Everyone wants to be taken in by someone else. Women love being swept off their feet by the tall, dark, handsome stranger… the sophisticated stranger. Men love sophisticated, beautiful, enchanting women. And so it’s obvious that if you’re sophisticated, you’re well on the way to seducing the man or woman of your dreams.

So how does one become more sophisticated? Well, it doesn’t mean wearing a ballroom dress or tuxedo every day of the week. (But there’s nothing wrong with dressing up!) But it does mean little things like manners, looking after your appearance, keeping your shoes in good condition, learning proper restaurant/cafe/dining place etiquette, and generally being a smart, modern, switched-on person. All of these things will add to your sophistication, and make you a master of seduction. (And someone that other people want to seduce, I might add.)


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 6: style

Secrets of seduction part 6: style. It’s no secret that style is something everyone wants to have. We see signs of style everywhere we look. Television, internet, magazines, newspapers. Style encompasses so many things these days – clothing, accessories, the latest “must-have” gadgets and phones, hairstyles, shoes, and more. In fact, it seems that almost everything these days has at least something to with with style.

And in my experience, people who pay attention to their style, and what’s in fashion, tend to have more success with seduction. Why? Well, I think it’s because it shows they pay attention to modern trends, and by doing so, show that they’re out to impress the world. And people like people who make such an effort.

So it’s important to be aware of style when you’re working on getting better at seduction. In fact, style is one of the cornerstones of seducing someone. Let’s say you’re out on a dinner date at a fancy restaurant. If you’ve been paying attention to the latest fashion trends, and you’ve picked out a stylish outfit and nice cologne/perfume, you’re going to immediately be better placed to seduce your date. So read up on fashion trends and try and follow suit. (Pun intended.)

(A big thing to remember when trying to be more stylish with your appearance is to dress and groom the way you feel comfortable but that is still stylish. For example, solid shades like black, grey, white and silver are always in fashion when it comes to clothing. But then again, there’s always a time and place for a splash of colour – for example, if you’re a woman, then a ravishing red dress or pretty yellow sunflower skirt are also always stylish.)

So in conclusion, my advice about style is simply to keep up to speed with what fashion magazines have to say, and simply try and consider style in everything you do. When you get your haircut, get a style that suits you. And just think, next time you go shopping, about what outfits work for you. (And when in doubt, go for the shades.) Once you start to master style, you’ll start to master seduction.


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 5

Secrets of seduction part 5. In this blog post, I’m going to give you some tips about charm. Charm is one of the most important things you need to know about to become a master of seduction and to land the man or woman of your dreams. In fact, charm is so important that if you don’t know about it, then you’re going to find it a lot harder to seduce someone than if you have knowledge about it.

Charm isn’t a simple trick that you can use to “get” whoever you want. It’s more complex than that. Charm is built on a number of factors, and requires time and effort to truly understand how it can be used to seduce someone. If you want to become a charming person, then you need to integrate charm into every aspect of your life. You need make charm become second-nature. And I’m going to give you some tips on how to do just that – and so become better at seduction as a result.

Charming people are also happy people. That is to say, they radiate happiness. And this happiness rubs off onto other people, and this is part of what charm is all about. For example, if you go into McDonald’s and order a meal and you smile and are friendly to the counter staff, then they’re going to like you and be a little bit charmed by you. So, in other words, happiness leads to being charming. So try being a little bit more outwardly happy each and every day, and you’ll soon start to become more charming.

Charm also involves being respectful and considerate of other people. By always having good manners, and being kind and considerate, you’ll soon start to increase your own positive reputation and become more charming. Everyone loves people who are nice and pleasant towards others, so if you do these things, your powers of charm will increase and so will your powers of seduction.

So really, to conclude, if you want to become a master of seduction and be able to seduce anyone you like, take the time to work on charm. It will work wonders for you.


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 4: The James Bond Effect

Secrets of seduction part 4: The James Bond Effect. “Bond. James Bond.” Those three words are immortalised in film and literature. Ian Fleming’s character, James Bond 007, the British spy who always saves the girl. I’m a huge James Bond fan. I’ve seen almost all of the films (GoldenEye is my favourite) and have read books about the suave spy.

And as we all know, James Bond is the smoothest man on earth with the ladies. He always charms the women, even the ones who are his enemies. And how does he do it? Well, this blog post is all about “The James Bond Effect”, as I’ve titled it. So let’s begin.

“The James Bond Effect”. Just what is it, I hear you ask. Indeed, it’s not a simple thing. “The James Bond Effect” encompasses many different things… his charm, his persona, his ruthlessness, his distinct way of talking to people, and, in my opinion, the most crucial element… his vulnerability to women.

Yes, James Bond’s vulnerability to women plays a very large role in his ability to seduce women, and is probably the most important factor in “The James Bond Effect”. Because you see, even though James Bond is always able to find a way to defeat the villain, solve the hardest puzzles, and escape from the most impossible situations, his vulnerability to women means he has an Achilles Heel. He isn’t invincible. He has a weakness.

And this weakness, ladies and gentlemen, is what makes James Bond so irresistible to women. And it is what makes “The James Bond Effect” complete. It’s his desire for women, hinged at the same time with his vulnerability to women, that makes him the one man that all women on earth want. And so if you want to be like Bond… James Bond… then let yourself be vulnerable.


Jed Kemsley