Secrets of seduction part 2

Secrets of seduction part 2. Following on from yesterday’s post, Secrets of seduction part 1, in today’s post, I am going to explain about a couple more very important things you need to know if you want to learn about seducing the partner of your dreams. Ready? Okay, here we go.

1. Keep busy and always be doing something. Now I know a few of you might be asking, “what, how can you try and seduce someone if you’re busy with something else?” And that’s a fair question. But here’s how it works. It’s no secret that both men and women are attracted to people who have their own lives. People who have busy jobs and careers, have interesting hobbies, have projects going, and who have work to do are more attractive than people who sit around doing nothing. It’s obvious, isn’t it? If you have lots of stuff going on in your life, you’re going to appeal more to someone than if you didn’t have anything going on. And this is where seduction comes into play.

Let’s say you’ve been on a few dates with a man or woman that you want to seduce. But then, all of a sudden, you can’t go on another date for a while because you have to go on a business trip, or your boss has a very important project for you to complete. All of a sudden, you become elusive and prize-like. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the ultimate keys on the path to becoming a seduction master. By not “being available” all the time, and having other things in your life demanding attention, you’ll automatically begin to seduce the other person into wanting to know how they can be the thing that you pay all of your attention to. See how it works? Keep busy in your own life, and your seduction mastery level will skyrocket.

2. Your aura. Yes, your aura. defines aura as “a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness.”

Basically, your aura forms a big part of your ability to seduce your dream partner. When you’re on a date, for example, your aura is made up of all sorts of things… body language, the way you talk, eye contact, your manners, your smile… and there is one most important thing, one “x-factor” that is probably the most important part of your aura.

And this is self-belief. Yes, you have to just believe in yourself. Believe that your dream partner is going to fall in love with you that very night. Believe that you have what it takes to be their “one”. And then, without even realising it, your aura will give off your sense of self-belief. And then you will seduce the man or woman of your dreams.


Jed Kemsley

Secrets of seduction part 1

Secrets of seduction part 1. Ah yes… saucy, sweet, scintillating seduction. When it comes to landing the partner of your dreams, seduction isn’t a dirty word… in fact it’s very much a necessity.

“What exactly is seduction?” I hear you ask. “How do you seduce someone you want?” I also hear you ask. Well, let me set a few things straight before I get into those things.

Seduction isn’t a magic trick. I know this because I’ve read hundreds of internet articles, paid good money for access to internet websites that claim to teach you how to “seduce anyone you want”, and even tried for years in the real world in my own life, through trial and error to find out just what exactly the secrets of seduction are.

So what exactly is seduction, and how do you master it to land the partner of your dreams? Well, read on.

Firstly, seduction is all about taking your time. You can’t rush things. Say you’re dating a really nice person, the dates are going well, and there’s definite chemistry. In order to “take things to the next level”, you need to learn about seduction. And this is where specific seduction techniques come into play. I’m going to share 3 of those techniques with you right now.

1. Seduction technique 1: Body language. Body language is very important when it comes to seduction. The way you hold yourself and your body’s movements immediately account for 50% of your success rate in trying to seduce someone. In other words, if you know the right body language to use, then you’re halfway there in seducing the man or woman of your dreams. There are hundreds of articles on the internet that explain the right body language to use, so I’ll only mention a couple of the most important. First, posture. Don’t stand too straight or stiff like a statue, and also don’t slouch. Find a comfortable “in-between” posture. Second, don’t make sudden movements with your arms, head, etc. This shows nervousness and isn’t good for seducing someone.

2. Seduction technique 2: Eye contact. Similar to body language, I have put eye contact in a separate category because it can be much more powerful than regular body language. Making proper, lasting eye contact with your dream partner is vital to earning their trust, making them feel relaxed and comfortable, and eventually seducing them. I suggest searching the internet for proper ways to make eye contact. (A couple of tips: don’t stare at someone right in the eyes for too long, and avoid looking around the room when talking to someone, because this can be perceived as a lack of interest.”

3. Seduction technique 3: Keep talking. The thing I discovered that almost all seduction masters have in common is the art of carrying a conversation. That is, they’re never lost for words or have nothing to say. They can keep a date interesting, funny, and exciting through keeping the conversation flowing. And when it comes to seducing someone, if you can keep them interested, amused, and excited, then you’re well on the way to being a seduction master.

That’s all for “Secrets of seduction part 1”. Check back tomorrow for part 2!


Jed Kemsley

The power of visualisation

The power of visualisation. I’m sure some of you have heard the term “visualisation” before. It’s been on the news in recent years, on the internet, in magazines, self-help books, and more. It’s one of those ideas that often gets mentioned alongside phrases like “the power of positive thinking”. But what exactly is visualisation? Well, it’s something that I’ve looked into quite a bit over the past few years, and I’ve come to realise that it’s closely linked to positive thinking, manifestation, and turning your dreams into reality.

Let’s say you’re unemployed and looking for a job. You could sit around all day going on job-seeking websites, reading the classifieds in the newspaper, or calling up shops and businesses to see if they have any jobs going. This is more of an old-fashioned way of job hunting. Or, you could put your mind to work, and… visualise your dream job, and you landing it, and you starting it the very next week. If that doesn’t make sense, don’t worry. Just read on.

Visualising what you want to happen is all about thinking about it happening in your mind so often and so intently that, indeed, it becomes a reality before your very eyes. In the example I gave above, let’s say your dream job was to help Apple design to next iPhone. (Who wouldn’t want this job? Getting to design one of the best phones on the market?)

Well, if you think about working for Apple long enough, and visualise what the next iPhone would look like and be like, then, I guarantee, that one day, you will indeed end up working for Apple designing the next iPhone. Maybe not now, maybe not this year, but one day. Because some things take longer to visualise than others.

Another example might be in your dating life. Let’s say you’re single, and want to date a blonde with blue eyes. Well, if you visualise a blonde with blues eyes long enough, then there’s no doubt you will start meeting more blondes with blue eyes, and eventually end up dating one of them. It’s all about using the power of the mind to visualise what you want, then not giving up until you get exactly what it is what you want.

So visualise your dreams, and turn them into reality!


Jed Kemsley

How to make the most of your day

How to make the most of your day. It’s something a lot of wish we were better at. How to make the most of the time you have each day. I know that personally, there are days that I get to the end of and think, “I wish I’d done more with my time today.” And there are ways to get the most out of each and every day so you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time.

The first way is to get out of bed each morning nice and early, and prepare for the day properly. Take time to have a good shower, eat a healthy breakfast, and get mentally ready for the day ahead. This positive start to the day will work wonders for helping you make the most of what the day has to offer.

Secondly, take regular breaks during the day to stop, breathe, and relax. During the working day, take a 15 minute break every hour so to stretch, have a drink of water, and compose yourself. We’re humans, we’re not machines. We’re not designed to work non-stop with no rest. So make sure you take regular breaks.

Thirdly, at the end of the day, after work, take some time for yourself. Get home, put your feet up, and relax. Part of making the most of each day is taking the time to relax. A day spent going “non-stop” at work or doing household chores isn’t as good as a day where you have some time to just relax. So make sure you have some “me time”, preferably at the end of the day. This will also help you sleep better and feel more refreshed the next morning when you wake up.


Jed Kemsley

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect. It’s an old saying, and it’s one that has stood the time of time. If you practice something long enough, eventually you will become, well, virtually perfect at it. And the people in the world who are the best at what they do – the professional musicians, athletes, writers, actors, architects and chefs – practice all the time. They never stop practicing, no matter how long they’ve been doing what they’ve been doing.

That’s the key to being a professional. To be counted among the best in the world, no matter what field or endeavour it is that you’re in, you need to practice all the time. I’ve been lucky enough to witness some incredible professional athletes and musicians up close in my lifetime, and the one thing they all have to say in common is the importance of relentless, consistent, dedicated practice.

So if you’re an up-and-coming writer, tennis player, violinist or chef, there is no more important thing you can do than to practice writing all the time, practice tennis all the time, practice violin all the time, or practice cooking all the time. This is the key to becoming the best writer, tennis player, violinist, or chef.

As I wrote in an earlier blog post, the “10,000 hour rule” that Malcolm Gladwell writes about in his book “Outliers” is basically the idea that once you’ve done something for 10,000 hours, you become a master of it. But the best in the world don’t just take their foot off the pedal at 10,000 hours. They keep on going and going, past 10,000 hours, past 20,000 hours, past 100,000 hours… they don’t stop practicing. And so to best the best, you have to practice all the time, for your entire life.


Jed Kemsley

More on achieving your goals

More on achieving your goals. In my previous post, The importance of goal setting, I wrote about why it is important to set goals in life. In this post, I’m going to talk a bit about achieving those goals.

When you set short, mid, or long-term goals, it can be very easy to write them down, or set them in your head, then procrastinate, put them off, and never get around to working at them. Believe me, I’ve been there. I used to be very lazy, and for many years I didn’t really accomplish anyting with my life. I used to set a lot of goals – fitness goals, career goals, personal goals, you name it – and the number of goals I actually achieved was very few. In fact, I probably didn’t achieve one important goal I set myself.

(I remember when I was about 19, telling myself I was going to go to the gym every single day for 6 months to exercise, and I was dedicated to the goal for about a week, then I stopped. That’s how I used to be.)

But in recent years, I’ve come to learn some vital pieces of information that are necessary to achieve goals you set yourself. The first piece of information is all to do with the end result. Let’s say you’ve set yourself the goal of running for half an hour every day for a month to lose weight. It could be easy to run for a few days, then give up because it’s too time-consuming or too hard. But to keep on going, you have to focus on the end result. Think about how much weight you will lose by the end of the month and how you might feel a lot better for it. The end result plays a big part in keeping you dedicated to your goal.

The second piece of information is competition. Remember there are other people out there who probably have the same goal as you, and they could well be more dedicated to achieving it. Do you really want other people to beat you and get ahead? Think of the competition, and it will keep you striving for your goal.

The third piece of information is personal satisfaction. When you set a goal, think about how satisifed you will be personally once you’ve reached it. Think about how the long hours of working towards that goal will pay off once it’s complete. Nothing in the world beats personal satisfaction, and reaching your goals is the best way to be satisifed.


Jed Kemsley

How to find a job

How to find a job. In today’s world, with the implications of the Global Financial Crisis, companies and businesses the world over have been laying off people at an alarming rate. Unemployment continues to grow in many parts of the world, and those people with jobs are hanging onto them for dear life, it seems. Indeed, I’ve been through unemployment, and it’s not pretty. I was unemployed for more than a year after getting fired from my last job, and it’s taken me a long time to find a new job.

When you’re looking for a job, there’s one main thing you have to focus on at all times. And that is persistence. If you’re out of work, you’ll take anything on for a job. As the saying goes, “beggars can’t be choosers”. So just keep on persisting on every possible job lead you hear about or read about. Don’t stop calling up businesses, go out there with your resume and walk into offices and give it to them face to face. In this world, companies like people who are proactive, and by getting out there and persisting with the job search, you’ll be looked upon favourably by potential new employers.

Another big thing to keep in mind when looking for work is going the extra mile. By getting to work 10 minutes early, doing little things to make the workplace run smoother, and always being ready to help out whenever and wherever required, you’ll not only impress your employers, but they will notice and you will start to get a good reputation in the workforce. And this will help you enormously if you ever find yourself unemployed again.


Jed Kemsley

What does it take to be TRULY COOL?

What does it take to be TRULY COOL? That, dear readers, is a question for the ages. It’s a question for the coolest people who ever lived. It’s a question that only the coolest of the cool could possibly ever hope to perhaps, maybe, one day, hope to anticipate a nano of a sliver of a semblance of a resemblance of what might be, to some people, a part of what could be deemed, by a certain few, an answer to a certain question.

So what does it take to be truly cool?

Well, I think there is one overwhelming, one impossible to ignore, one incredibly delightful and wonderful, and at the same time scrumptious and tasty, and while we’re at it, delectable and satisfying, and why not, perfect and complete, answer to the question.

To be truly cool, you must just be…

That’s the answer.


Jed Kemsley

How to be more energetic

How to be more energetic. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had more energy? More energy to do our job, more energy to play, more energy at the end of the day to enjoy life? It seems a lot of us wish we had more energy. And believe me, there are a lot of different theories and ideas out there about how to increase your energy.

Diets, exercise routines, sleep patterns, and more are just a few of the ways that people think about when trying to gain more energy. And, sure, they can work. For example, getting up earlier in the day and going for a brisk walk or jog can make you more awake and alert and make you feel more energetic throughout the day. Similarly, eating more foods that are high in energy, or a more rounded diet (protein, calcium, omega 3, fibre) can help increase your overall well-being and energy level. Getting into a good sleeping pattern also makes your body more balanced and refreshed in the morning, leading to a possible energy increase.

But is there another way to feel more energetic? Well, in my experience, there is something else one can do to gain more energy. And this is your mentality. Yes, it’s a mental thing. I studied the work habits of some of the greatest athletes, musicians, and businessmen in the world, and the one thing they all have in common is the mental strength to keep on going where others would tire.

The best athletes always seem to gain a “second wind”, a “third wind”, and even a “fourth wind” when needed. Similarly, professional musicians who tour the world over and deliver great performances time and time again have the mental strength to deliver the goods every time. And the top businessmen have the mental strength to work day after day, month after month, year after year to succeed where others with less energy would give up. Your mentality about energy can play a big part in increasing your energy level.

So next time you’re feeling tired, dig deep inside your mind, and think to yourself mentally, “I’m going to keep going”. And your inner energy will allow you to keep on going!


Jed Kemsley